OkarinaBの2F Atelierにて、活動する人のこと。Gallery OkarinaBの管理人。

(Yumi Tambo)
Ateliest/Artist /Teacher
Date of Birth 20 September 1978
Land of Origin Nara Japan
Sep-Oct 2010 [Sunday Garden in the WOODS] and Live Performance @gallery okarinaB
Radio Drama and installation
May 2010 [Eat with Family] @ART HOUSE in Singapore
April 2010 [Pameran Poskad Show 2010]@my art space in Singapore
April 2010 [Postcard Competition]@atelier bemster in Tokyo ※ win a prize
Sep~Oct 2009 [PILKRONA] (Art-Link2009)@gallery okarinaB
Aug 2009 [Rin Photo-collage Exhibition] @gallery okarinaB
April 2009 [RICOH : RING CUBE Competition] ※ win a prize
Jan 2009~ [Workshop for KIDS] started in Tokyo
Jan 2009 [Winter Garden: Traveling Butterflies] in Tokyo
Dec 2008 [MOBILE GARDEN]Origami Project
at Froth Gallery in Singapore
Dec 2008 Pameran Poskad Show 2008 in Singapore
Oct 2008 [piece of Peace] @gallery okarinaB
[Recycle Garden 2: Gift]@gallery okarinaB
Jun 2008 [Recycle Garden 1: Sunday Garden in the WOODS] @gallery okarinaB
Oct 2007 [ring ring song] @gallery okarinaB
Jun 2007 Start to private gallery okarinaB at Nezu Bunkyou-ku Tokyo
Jan 2007 [to the sky] @ cafe NOMAD in Tokyo
I have been teaching kids in Tokyo and started to show my works such as photo collages, clay, and origami-works since 2007.
I also sing songs which contain a lot of childish memories, peaceful state of mind, joy and happy aura revolving around it and above of all, it shows life.
I want to remind people see my exhibition to their childish memories and make them feel calm.
The very first childhood memory is important to us.
If you need to know what you want to do or what you should do for this world, your childhood memories will guide to you.
I believe that we have to hold a peaceful Garden in our mind.
That is the reason why I made artworks, write lyrics and sing songs.
Thank you.
「将来メシを食える子どもを育てる」花まる学習会にて幼児教育・国語教育を軸に、創作活動を続けています。ほかに、ピアノ・ギター・ウッドベース・ボーカルのアコースティックカルテット「KARINBA」の音楽活動、子どもたちのための創作クラス[Workshop for KIDS ]など。
丹保由実(Tambo Yumi)
花まる学習会 http://www.hanamarugroup.jp 取締役
2007年、ギャラリーokarinaB を 花まる学習会のメセナ活動のひとつとして立ち上げる
教育関連の著書に、「国語なぞぺ~」「国語なぞぺ~おかわり」高濱正伸共著 草思社